Sharing the Good News
Napoleon Hill once said, “Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat”. Our world has changed and will continue to change with all of us trying to balance between staying up to date on ever changing information and not being overloaded with the negative. Fear can creep in and it can be easy to lose sight of the positive things happening in the world. The way business is being done is changing and there are good – even great things – happening now and coming soon. We want to share some of that good and encourage you to do the same:
- Loblaws has increased employees pay by 15% temporarily to recognize their outstanding efforts in keeping the grocery stores open throughout this crisis
- Multiple distilleries and other manufacturing companies have switched to making hand sanitizer and are giving it away free to hospitals and those at highest risk
- Air pollution has plummeted in China
- The Canals and waterways of Venice are reportedly cleaner than ever.
- New discoveries such as plasma from newly recovered patients from Covid -19 is being used to treat others infected by Covid-19.
- China has closed its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.
- A network of Canadian scientists successfully isolated and replicated COVID-19 in a lab and US Researchers Delivered the First COVID – 19 vaccine to volunteers in experimental test program.
- Uber Eats is waiving delivery fees for 100,000 restaurants to help independent restaurants.
- You can virtually tour many world-renowned museums. Click here for a few.
- Tour many zoos and watch the animals live. San Diego Zoo link here.
- Various companies have opened a world of free content with opportunities to learn and stay active.
- Multiple companies are continuing to pay their employees even while closing their doors.
- Multiple examples of people helping their neighbours and spreading joy.
Collectively, we can operate together and share ways to work through this crisis effectively and efficiently while staying safe and healthy. The Counsel Network is committed to helping our clients and the industry as a whole through this crisis. All of our employees are continuing to work from home and are available via email or phone. Please reach out if we can help in any way. Together we will get through this.